Patrick Mahar
Highway Superintendent
Mailing Address
3709 Roberts Road Carthage, NY 13619
Phone: 315-493-3846 ext 2 Cell 315-778-2318
Email: [email protected]
Highway Notices
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The Town of Denmark Highway Department consists of the Highway Superintendent and 6 employees.
The Department maintains 35.94 center line miles of town roads year round and an additional 13.88 center line miles of Lewis County Roads in the winter months.
Programs/Activities: We accept “Green Waste” from Town of Denmark, private residences, not residents wood lots or property being cleared. Hours for drop off are Monday – Thursday 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM. The waste must be placed in the area designated by the Highway Department.
Green Waste is defined as:
Christmas trees
Tree trimmings smaller than 6” in diameter.
Not Acceptable:
Entire tree’s or limb’s greater than 6” in diameter
Tree roots dug or pulled from residential property
Tree roots dug or pulled from commercial property
Old Fences removed from property (nails, staples or unknown metals)
Wood Chips
Commercial Tree Service businesses are not permitted to deposit “Green Waste” on Town property.
Highway Department Hours of Operation:
Summer 6:00am – 4:30pm
Winter 4:00am – 9:00pm